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Jamie and the Magic Torch - titles Jamie and the Magic Torch - titles Jamie and the Magic Torch - titles

Jamie and the Magic Torch - titles

Little Gems - Jamie and the Magic Torch Books

Several books concerning the further adventures of Jamie and his magic torch were produced. Two from 1979 and 1980 are presented below.

Jamie and the Magic Torch - 1979

Jamie and the Magic Torch - 1979

Jamie and the Magic Torch - 1979

Jamie and the Magic Torch - 1979

Jamie and the Magic Torch - 1979

Jamie and the Magic Torch - 1979

Jamie and the Magic Torch - 1979

Jamie and the Magic Torch - 1980

Jamie and the Magic Torch - 1980

Jamie and the Magic Torch - 1980

Jamie and the Magic Torch - 1980

Click below to look at some classic episodes

Jamie Home Page Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Books
Jamie and the Magic Torch main page Hidden Persuasion The Dirty Submachine Yoo-Hoo Yeti A Marrow Escape Jamie and the Magic Torch Books