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Little Gems - The Witches and the Grinnygog

The Witches and the Grinnygog by Dorothy Edwards The Witches and the Grinnygog by Dorothy Edwards The Witches and the Grinnygog by Dorothy Edwards

The Witches and the Grinnygog by Dorothy Edwards

The Witches and the Grinnygog by Dorothy Edwards The Witches and the Grinnygog by Dorothy Edwards The Witches and the Grinnygog by Dorothy Edwards


Click here to listen to the start music (500Kb mp3 file)

Click here to listen to the end music (650Kb mp3 file)

The Witches and the Grinnygog by Dorothy Edwards

This has been lurking around my memories for what seems an absolute age. I have finally had the time to find the recordings of it and do some work to get the story up on Little Gems. I'm afraid though that although this was a six part series, two of the episodes, two and three, have been damaged and hence I have not been able to do any images from them. I have, however, completed the text for these missing episodes so you can still follow the story. Hence only episodes 1, 4, 5 & 6 have images grabs for them. The remainder including the wonderful theme music are here to enjoy. I doubt this music has been heard for over 25 years or so. This is a true gem of a children's drama from the book by Dorothy Edwards easily up there with the likes of "The Children of Green Knowe" and "Tom's Midnight Garden."

The Witches and the Grinnygog by Dorothy Edwards

The Witches and the Grinnygog was made by Southern Television Productions back in the days when little companies could produce what they wanted and more often what the public wanted (not sure what became of STV). This superb drama was made back in 1983. Each episode lasted around 25 minutes or so. It has the usual elements that make a children's adventure so appealing, great story, great actors (all of them), great music and great location for filming. I am not entirely sure of the filming here and perhaps someone who either remembers the show or even recognises the Church, village house etc. can help me out here. I believe it to be in the England Counties possibly Sussex or Worcestershire but feel free to correct me.

The Characters


Collin Sogood


The Grinnygog

The Grinnygog

Nan Sogood


Essie Firkettle


Jimmy Firkettle


Dave Firkettle


Vicar Sogood

Reverend Anthony Sogood

Grandad - Mr Adam


Mrs Firkettle

Mrs. Firkettle

Miss Ems

Mrs. Ems - Witch

Miss Edie Possett

Miss Edie - Witch

Miss Bendybones

Miss Bendybones - Witch

Mr Alabaster

Mr. Twebele Alabaster

Miss Possett

Miss Possett

Young Marg'ret

Marg'ret (Daisy)

Patrick Flanagan

Patrick Flanagan


Shop Customer

Bus Driver

Bus Driver


The Witches and the Grinnygog - Main Page
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6

The Witches and the Grinnygog

Main Page

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6



The Witches and the Grinnygog - Credits

The Witches and the Grinnygog by
Dorothy Edwards
Colin Sogood Giles Harper
Nan Sogood Heidi Mayo
Essie Firkettle Zoe Iroftin
Dave Firkettle Adam Woodyatt
Jimmy Firkettle Paul Curtis
Reverend Sogood Robert Swann
Mrs. Firkettle Jane Wood
Grandad - Mr. Adam John Barnard
Mrs. Ems Sheila Grant
Miss Bendybones Patricia Hayes
Edie Possett Anna Wing
Mr. Alabaster Olu Jacobs
Marg'ret Ems Eva Griffith
Patrick Flanagan Iriam O'Callaghan
Flanagan;s Mate Gary Hailes
Miss Possett Anne Dyson
Police Sergeant Mike Savage
Dappy Harold Breffni McKenna
Major Gilmour Alan Rowe
Old Piggy George Malpas
Mrs Featherly Hilda Fenemore
TV interviewer Carolyn Courage
Radio DJ Stuart St Paul
Woman customer Heather Tobias
Bus Driver Tariq Yunus
Composer James Harpham
Costume Cecelia Doidge
Makeup Romayne Wightman
Graphics John Hamon
Assistant Designer Peter Bull
Production Buyer Graham Curtis
Stage Manager Tim Spring
First Assistant James Greville
Unit Managers Peter Price & John Barlow
Production secretary Barbara Goodall
PA / Continuity Gillian Wheeler
Dubbing Mixer Tony Cunningham
Film Editor Nigel Bate
Camera Operator Ken Brinsley
Sound mixer Tim Biddle
Lighting Cameraman Michael D Smith
Designer John Newton-Clarke
Executive Producer Anna Home
Director Diarmuid Lawrence
TVS Production 1983 Television South PLC


Comments, thoughts and suggestions etc. to the usual address.