Little Gems - Once Upon A Time Man
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Once Upon A Time Man - Episode Three
A lot is learnt by our cartoon heroes in this episode. They learn how to coordinate hunting so they can capture huge animals than an individual tribe alone could not have caught. Woolly Mammoths are top of the eating list. Pierette and the others make use of the fur skins to create clothes for Jumbo and Peter. Only Maestro does not wear any clothes since his hair fully insulates him.
The tribes also learn about negotiations and how to trade items of use. Our bully and sidekick though are only really interested in getting their hands on anything that will let them rule.
Maestro teaches them all about paint and how to create drawings on the wall. It is possibly the first time that religious belief starts to stray in to the animations and the cave dwellers start to dance around some of the images on the wall. The Maestro also teaches Peter and Jumbo how to catch animals and pen them in so they possibly become the first examples of animal domestication.
Working together the tribes soon become a community living and working together for the common good.
Click below to see some of the earlier episodes from the series.
Episode Three